Thursday, November 1, 2012

This Little Kitty

Back in February this year, I found this cat wandering outside my yard. Every time I walked by the kitchen window she would meow at me. I was living in a fairly rural area and hadn't seen her before. It was very cold outside and we had freezing rain and lots of snow. This poor cat started waiting for me to leave for work in the morning and waited for me to come home at the end of the day. I started out by giving her a small bowl of water which she drank very quickly. I figured she must be starving as well. I would leave a little dish of cat food out for her and she was very pleased to eat it up. I felt quite taken by her but since I have two cats of my own, I couldn't bring her in my house. I also didn't want the financial hardship of a third cat amongst other things.

After speaking with my neighbours and sending some photos of her to the SPCA, it was clear she didn't have a home and definitely needed one. She was relying on me for food and attention and I was unable to give her everything she needed. I took some photos of her and sent them off to a friend just because she was so darn cute, her markings reminded me of creamy white, milk and dark chocolate and the markings on her face made her even more adorable. My friend started thinking about this cat and decided to take her into his home and give her the kind of life that she needed. Warmth, love, shelter, food. A place to call home. Here is the first picture I took of her when she found me, and the following photos show her enjoying her new home. She is just the sweetest, cutest thing I've ever seen. She has gained a lot of weight (in comparison to what she weighed back in February) and her fur coat is so soft and shiny. She is quite the delight and I am so glad I was able to find her, her forever home.

Her new name is Purry but I still call her Kitty. How anyone could abandon her is beyond me. I am so thankful she has everything she needs and I am still able to visit her often.
Smiles for happy endings :-)

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