Monday, July 27, 2009

My First Not Me Monday

This past weekend, I was informed that my beautiful handsome dog was a little "mangy" looking. GASP! Not my dog! He's most certainly not "mangy" looking!! So, with that said, here is my very first Not Me Monday post.

It was definitely Not Me, that gave Riley his first hair cut in years. It was NOT ME that thought it was a good idea to trim the little furs between his paws and it was NOT ME that may have accidentally gone a little too far with the scissors and took a little too much off the derriƩre. I plead the 5th as I was being instructed by someone who has NEVER tried to give a home fur cut to a large dog. It's not easy when the dog in question is constantly moving around, and if you know my dog, he most certainly does NOT go running off to bark as loud as he can and jump ridiculously crazy if he even thinks he sees another dog.

It was not me, that butchered his lovely free flowing fur to accommodate another's view of my "mangy" dog, and it was NOT ME that said this was the last time I was EVER chopping the little locks of fur away even if someone else had a different opinion.

Even with a little less fur, he's still a very happy dog!

1 comment:

  1. WOW...not me?
    Where have I heard that before???????
    oh kids!!! you Christy!
