Thursday, November 26, 2009

Catch Up Mode

I sure have been lacking in the blogging department these past few weeks! I'm not sure what I have to say for myself. I have been working a bit more than usual and haven't found any alone time with my computer. Here are a few shots over the last month and half. And until I find some extra quiet time with my thoughts, these will have to do for now.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

10 Things I Love, Besides the Obvious.

(in no particular order)

1. Red JuJubes
2. Starbucks Hazelnut Lattés
3. Bubble Baths
4. Slippers
5. Lipstick
6. Indian Butter Chicken
7. Pillows
8. Tea
9. Leaves in the Fall
10. All things Vintage

Sunday Morning Reflections

My Sunday morning's are usually spent at the beach, Starbucks in hand & soaking up the Sun.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Officially Summer

Summer isn't Summer for me until I've seen The Tragically Hip in concert, and on Friday they came to this little town!!!

I had great seats too! Except because I am a little short in stature, I mostly saw the tops of everyone's head in front of me.

Not Me Monday

It wasn't me that squealed like a 13 year old school girl when I saw this fuzzy, 4 legged, speedy rodent run up the side of the house next door...because 30 year old girls are much too grown up for such behavior!